

Nearly Zero Emission Buildings’ (nZEB) construction is one of the leading-edge EU directions concerning the decarbonization of the building sector and the stimulation of energy transition in the construction sector. Therefore, improvements made regarding nZEB buildings’ energy efficiency are of high importance to achieve the evolution of nZEBs to PEBs (Positive Energy Buildings). In this study we present insights from a detailed energy audit of a passive house based on measured energy data. Data captured from a wide sensor grid (external and room temperature, CO2, and humidity sensors electrical energy meters etc) constituting the dwelling’s BMS are analyzed and statistically processed so that the building’s efficiency to be evaluated. Through the detailed analysis of the buildings real time energy balance, the construction of energy consumption baselines and the evaluation of energy savings potentials that arise, new benchmark data are produced that may improve nZEB design modelling and BEM (Building Energy Modelling) -BIM (Building Information Modelling) modelling in general. Finally, issues regarding energy production and storage are being discussed in terms of net metering and charging of electrical vehicles.


Dr. Giannadakis Athanasios was born in 1978 in Athens. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the University of Patras, in 2001, where he completed his doctoral dissertation (2008). During his undergraduate studies he was honored with successive awards from the State Scholarship Foundation, IKY, and from the Technical Chamber of Greece, TCG, for his academic performance. He has been working as a freelancer since 2002.

His professional activity concerns the research of issues of production and transfer of Energy, in the field of industry, aeronautics, RES, in matters related to Biomechanics, in the education of adults and in the construction of private projects.

He is a Research fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Peloponnese (2009-present), while working, from 2002 until today as a Researcher at the Laboratory of Technical Thermodynamics of the University of Patras. In addition, he is employed as a Test Technician of the Quality Assurance system according to ISO-17025 for “Fire Reaction Tests-Reaction to Fire Tests” at the Laboratory of Technical Thermodynamics of the Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of Patras.

He has published more than 30 papers in national, international conferences and journals and technical exhibitions, and has participated as a researcher in a number of European and national research projects.

Finally, he has ten years of experience in the design and supervision of Electrical/Mechanical installations in the building sector.

He is a B’ Class Energy Auditor, participating in a variety of energy audits (Law 4342/15).
