

Lightweight ceramic tiles are easy to transport, handle and install, demand less operational energy and reduce substantially their environmental footprint, as well as the relative costs. Based on end applications, lightweight attributes have been coupled with enhanced superficial properties and multifunctionalities, such as, self-cleaning properties and NOx degradation, which can be achieved with the aid of nanomaterials (TiO2). This application will provide further uptake of innovative solutions for energy conservation in building.
Reduction in energy consumption for lightweight constructions is related to reduce building time, the weight of the structure, easy to store and transport, thereby reducing their environmental footprint. Lightweight products have significantly less embodied energy compared with traditional alternatives. At least 15% indirect reduction in energy consumption across sectors using lighter materials in their products and processes could be achieved.
The case study includes the development of the ceramic lightweight tiles from the laboratory scale to its industrial production, characterizing its properties and energy consumption throughout the process.



Chemical Engineering by Jaume I University (1997, Castellón-Spain). Diploma of Advanced Studies in July 2008: “Drying ceramic tiles formed by pressing. Non-isothermal model “. Master’s degree in Energy efficiency and sustainability in industrial installations and building in 2013. PHd In Chemical Engineering (2020), thesis on “Heat transfer enhancement with ceramic nanofluids”.
She has been a member of the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC) since 2000 and is currently a Senior Researcher in the area of R+D+i and Technological Advice. Since 2005 till now, she is Head of Pilot Plant of the ITC. She has developed her activity in the study of drying, forming and sintering processes of ceramic materials on a pilot scale. She is currently working in the research group on energy efficiency in building construction, mainly in experimental validation of mathematical models.
Co-author of 5 research papers and 9 communications at conference and symposia on different subjects relating to ceramic technology and chemical engineering. Expertise in topics related to ceramic process issues, specially related to drying, pressing, milling and firing technologies, moreover, she has experience in energy efficiency in building construction.
She has participated as researcher in over 50 R&D and Technology Consultancy projects conducted at the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC), and has delivered over 30 courses on subjects relating to ceramic technology both at ITC and at different companies.
