

This paper explores the use of transdisciplinary integrated design for a carbon neutral high-rise commercial building in a high-density built environment. We discuss the value, solutions and challenges of transdisciplinary design for carbon neutral workplaces from a holistic systemic approach, exploring the design process for “Treehouse”, the winning design in the “Future Building” category at the Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). Many ideas and thought have been given to this process and how the industry can bridge the gap. Not all of these maybe successful, but would serve as an excellent starting discussion point for the industry to go forward on. This paper will discuss the intentions, constraints, challenges and tribulation on this road to net zero.




Chris is well known for being able to diagnose and fix building systems especially for the mission critical industry. With a fundamental understanding of building physics and multidisciplinary approach, Chris has engineered and deployed innovative and unorthodox building systems to take advantage of local environmental conditions to achieve highly efficient, low carbon and habitable buildings.

This includes off grid houses, tunned thermal mass buildings, wood gasification, trombe walls, stack effect ventilation, wind effect ventilation, solar thermal, photovoltaic, desiccant and other technologies.

With this wealth of knowledge, Chris has and continues to assist in expert witness in mechanical system design and sick building syndromes. Many said issues are created by energy efficiency measures and the mismatch between the deployed building envelope and its mechanical system.

Blending traditional know how and the latest advancements, Chris has deployed customized systems to remote locations suitable for local operation and operator level of expertise. This includes power generation, desalination plant and local renewables.

Chris has been educated at the University of Windsor for Bachelor of Applied Science at Mechanical Engineering with Honors, and Master of Applied Science at Ryerson University for Building Science. He is a licensed professional engineer in Ontario, British Columbia and Hong Kong.
