

This presentation will update the changes made to the Building EQ portal including the addition of a carbon score based on ASHRAE 189.1 standard, and addition of the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM method to the as designed rating, as well as an alternate letter grade score option. Site and source multipliers have also been updated to align with ASHRAE 189.1 egrid ratings. It will give a good overview of this tool to help improve energy efficiency in a building no matter where you are in the world.


Mr. Cochrane is a graduate of Ryerson University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and is a licensed professional engineer in Ontario, Canada. He is also a LEED® AP and has a certificate in sales development from Humber College. Mr. Cochrane completed the Carrier basic system design course and has taken advanced training in rooftops and splits, ahu’s, chillers, controls, and system selling. He qualified as a train the trainer with Carrier. Mr. Cochrane started in inside sales and has held additional roles as software coordinator, chiller and applied systems specialist, territory manager, branch sales manager, regional commercial sales manager, and engineering sales manager. He is now an independent consultant.
Mr. Cochrane joined ASHRAE while in university and has participated in chapter, region, and society activities ever since. He is a past president of the Toronto Chapter, CRC Chair (twice), inaugural RVC for GGAC in Region II, served on the Nominating Committee for 6 years, and the Conferences and Expositions Committee (CEC) for 3 years and was the Technical Chair for the Chicago 2015 conference. Mr. Cochrane is the immediate past DRC for Region II and is a member of TC 9.1 Large Building AC, Cold Climate Design Guide TRG9, a member of the standards appeal board, and is currently the immediate past Chair of Building EQ, and ARC for Region II. He served as Chair of the topical conference on Industrial Ventilation in Toronto and is General Chair of the 2022 ASHRAE Annual Conference which will celebrate Toronto Chapter’s 100th anniversary. Other accomplishments include helped organize Canada’s federal government outreach day in Ottawa and has been involved in the provincial day at Queens Park in Toronto – both from inception. He was awarded ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award, the Regional Award of Merit, and the Chapter Service Award. Mr. Cochrane is also a member of the Training and Education working group on the task force for building decarbonization (TFBD), and an ASHRAE distinguished lecturer.
