
“Industrial Facility Decarbonization Challenges – A Canadian Approach”

Canada is the third highest total estimated value of natural resources, in the world. It is considered an “energy superpower” due to its abundant natural resources and a fairly small population of 38 million inhabitants, in relation to its extremely large land area (9.985 million km2).

Most of the discourse in Canada on climate and energy however has lacked insight on opportunities and pathways for heavy industry (other than oil and gas producers) to reduce carbon emissions. This has been largely due to the fact that large facilities like mines, chemical plants, refineries, fertilizer plants, steel plants or paper mills are not readily comparable with one another, and also because reducing the carbon intensity of heavy industry requires more than the effective policy tools for residential and commercial sectors like energy efficiency and electrification.

Until recently little work has gone into understanding options for decoupling greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in heavy industry

Canada has a potentially bright future in decarbonized heavy industry. A clear policy framework need’s to be put in place, to turn this potential into competitive economic advantage in the low carbon world of the future.
• Canada’s path to decarbonization is not through de-industrialization.
• Canada and its regions need a heavy industry decarbonization plan that builds on our competitive advantages (electrification, primary extraction and processing, reorganization of steel recycling, biomass for bio-chemical products and fuels).
• Clear carbon policy needs provide protection against unfair pricing competition for the trade exposed commodity producers.
• Provide a long-term investment cycles for sectors like agriculture, mining, chemicals, steel, pulp & paper, in mapping out a viable path to decarbonization.
• Need to ensure adequate combination of energy supply and infrastructure is in place to support decarbonization of heavy industry.
• Require a robust approach to re-engineer & upgrade existing industrial facilities greatly reduce emissions. This includes HVAC Health and Safety related activities.
• Adopting smarter refrigeration practices to reduce GHG emissions.
• Canada needs to share its decarbonization best practice with other poor performing countries and their heavy industry.


Erich Binder is an independent engineering consultant with an extensive experience in in the sustainable design of Commercial, Institutional, Industrial, & Cold Climate, Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Plumbing, Fire Suppression & Specialty Mechanical Systems engineering.

Erich has also a Certified Risk Manager with over 20 years of Process Safety, Loss Prevention, Industrial Hygiene, Health & Safety Engineering and Auditing experience. Including Corporate Emergency Response and Merger and Acquisition Activities Education and certification includes
• Registered Engineering Technologists RET, Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists (ASET)
• Sothern Alberta Polytechnic (SAIT), Air Conditioning Engineering Technology Diploma
• SAIT Polytechnic, Registered Instructor
• Certified Risk Manager CRM, Risk Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
• Refrigeration Service Engineers Society Certificate, HVAC and Building Automation Controls
• Decision & Risk Analysis & Value Engineering Certification,

Erich has extensive experience engineering mechanical system for a variety of cold climate applications.

These include Oil & Gas projects include developing HVAC standards and engineering for numerous process facilities for Oil Sands, SAGD and Mining Projects, Gas Processing, Metering Compression and Pipeline facilities, Upstream, Mid Stream, Down Stream Facilities.

Erich Binder has engineered HVAC systems for various support facilities for various Industrial projects including Control Buildings, E-House, VFD and Data Storage Facilities, Maintenance, Storage and Emergency Response Facilities. He has extensive experience in Power Generation facilities, including Coal, Natural Gas, Waste Heat, Waste Wood, Run of the River and Combined Heat Power systems.

Erich specializes in Hazardous spaces and environments, Laboratory, Sampling Stations, Hazardous Environment, Dust, Mist and Fume collection systems, Industrial Hygiene facilities. Erich Binder has worked as a Risk Analyst & Loss Prevention Consultant providing input into corporate insurance placement, managed Boiler Machinery, Construction Project Losses, Claims and Loss Prevention issues. He has provided support to Insurance Brokers and Insurance companies representatives to review and investigate the cause of failures relating to Power, Natural gas Mid-Stream, Compression, Metering and Pipeline machinery and fire explosion related failures. Erich Coordinated Risk and Loss Prevention audits and inspections for all corporate facilities. A key member of corporate Emergency Response Team and key leaders in Responsible Care, ISO9000, merger and acquistion programs.

Erich Binder is:
• Past Society Director at Large – ASHRAE
• Past Society Director and Regional Chair – ASHRAE Region XI
• Chairman – ASHRAE Cold Climate Design Conference
• Co-Author – ASHRAE Cold Climate Building Design Guide
• Co-Author – ASHRAE Hazardous Spaces Design Guide.(Publication Pending)
• Author Industrial HVAC Design Guide – Basics of industrial HVAC – 101
Past Coordinator – ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Program
• Past Chairman – HVAC Advisory Committee (SAIT)
• Co-developer – 2 month HVAC Certificate Program (SAIT)
• Instructor – Part Time HVAC related topics (SAIT)
• Board EXO – Young Engineers in ASHRAE Committee
• Board EXO – ASHRAE Student Activities Committee
• Board EXO – ASHRAE Members Council
• Vice Chairman ASHRAE Development Committee
• Chairman ASHRAE Audit Committee
• Member: ASHRAE TC 5.8 Industrial Ventilation (Combined with TC 9.2)
• Member: ASHRAE TC 9.2 Industrial Air Conditioning
• Chairman: ASHRAE TRG9 – CCBDG – Cold Climate Building Design Guide.
• Member: ASHRAE MTG-ACR – Air Change Rate
